1Curtis Franklin, Jr. | Editor's INKFirst Things First |
5 | Reader's INKLetters to the Editor |
8 | New Product News |
12 | Visible INKLetters to the INK Research Staff |
14Ed Nisley | INKnetPart 3 -- Writing Network ApplicationsThe Subtle Art of Programming for INKnet. A computer network is of little use if there's no application software to take advantage of the links. Writing software for INKnet is one way to learn the ins and outs of programming for distributed control.Download: NETDEMO.ARC |
22Chris Ciarcia | Image Synthesis: A TutorialTools for Drawing a New UniverseThe day has long since passed when "computer art" meant outlining a famous beagle on a dot-matrix printer. Today's computer artists can accurately render a standard living room, or an unseen world. This high-level tutorial introduces ray-tracing, shadowing, textures, and reflections, as well as other concepts important for creating images from digital data. |
37Daryl Rinaldi | An Intel 386SX-based PC/AT-Compatible Motherboard -- Part 2In every case, a working computer is more than just the sum of its parts. Timing's importance cannot be overestimated when it comes to understanding why a particular design works as it does. |
49Winefred Washington | A Low-Cost MIDI SequencerBuild an 8031-Based Stand-Alone MIDI SequencerMIDI opened up a new world of electronic music. Sequencers open up new vistas of control within that world. This project from the Circuit Cellar INK Design Contest lets you build a simple, functional sequencer for less than $75!Download: MIDISEQ.ARC |
53Ed Nisley | Firmware FurnaceSimulated Reality -- Simulating Systems for 8051 Debugging |
62Jeff Bachiochi | From the BenchThe Versatile Light-Emitting Diode |
69Tom Cantrell | Silicon UpdateMAXIMum Chips -- Maximum Real-World Problem Solvers |
73 | Advertiser's Index |
74Jack Ganssle | Software by DesignLeast-Squares Curve Fitting |
78Ken Davidson |
82Ken Davidson | ConnecTime -- Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS |
88Steve Ciarcia | Steve's Own INK.. And Everything in its Place |
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