1Curtis Franklin, Jr. | Editor's INKIs Just Gets Better |
6 | Reader's INKLetters to the Editor |
8 | New Product News |
12 | Visible INKLetters to the INK Research Staff |
15Jim MacArthur | Build a Simple SCSI-to-Anything InterfaceTake Advantage of the Spec to Simplify Your DesignsSCSI is, without a doubt, one of the hottest buses on the small computer scene. If you know the spec, you can shift processing load from hardware to software and save time, space, and money on your SCSI application.Download: SCSI.ASM |
22Dale Nassar | Computer-Generated HolographsHolography is a method of encoding realistic 3-D images on standard photographic film. Using a computer, you can simulate holographic interference patterns, with results that can be more impressive than laser holography! |
38Steve Ciarcia | Modulating Laser DiodesThe Search for the Perfect Driveway SensorFrom CD players to SDI, infrared lasers are becoming part of the technological landscape. Steve Ciarcia has been working with compact infrared laser diodes, and shares the secrets of successful applications in this article. |
48Dean McConnell | Digital Signal ProcessingPart 2 -- DSP Applications with the TMS320C25In Part 1, we looked at theories and general cases. Now, it's time to get to work. Programming the DSP for specific functions, and replacing a plie of discrete components with a single processor are what it's all about. |
58Ed Nisley | Firmware FurnaceBASIC Radioactive Randoms -- True Random Numbers from Mother NatureDownload: RANDOMS.ARC |
70Jeff Bachiochi | From the BenchHoney, I Shrunk the... -- New Uses Abound for the Smallest AT-Clone Yet |
73 | Advertiser's Index |
78Tom Cantrell | Silicon UpdateWhither Zilog? -- A Roller Coaster on the Back of the Z80 |
82Ken Davidson | ConnecTime -- Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS |
85Ken Davidson |
88Steve Ciarcia | Steve's Own INKThe Home Computer Revolution is Over |
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