1Curtis Franklin, Jr. | Editor's INKHome, But Not Alone |
4 | Reader's INKLetters to the Editor |
8 | New Product News |
14John Dybowski | S-ARTnet -- A Powerful Controller NetworkDesigning a Low-cost Network Around the S-ARTSART devices provide a simple, cost-effective method for distributed control networking. In the first of two parts, we show you the hardware for an example control network. |
26Chris Ciarcia | Software at the Hardware LevelProgramming TSRs for Interrupt HandlingTerminate and Stay Resident programs can do far more than just intercept keystrokes. Here's how to begin writing your own "background" programs for utility and control.Download: TSRS.ZIP |
38Jim Butler | A Simple RS-485 NetworkExploit the Nine-Bit Serial Communication Modes of the 8051, 8096BH, 68HC11, 68HC05, and Z180 Microcontroller FamiliesRS-485 is a perfect standard for networking controllers. A solid strategy for network design makes the job easier, and the result more powerful. |
44Markus A. Levy | Interfacing Microsoft's Flash File SystemUsing Flash Memory Under MS-DOSIntel's Flash memory is gaining ground in system designs. Microsoft's Flash extensions make it easy to turn a Flash memory board into a nonvolatile RAM disk for a desktop computer. |
54Steve Ciarcia |
66Ken Davidson |
CEBus continues to pick up steam in home automation. The latest in our series on the EIA Home Automation Standard features new information on physical layers and implementation news.
74Ken Davidson |
78Ed Nisley | Firmware FurnaceThe Furnace Firmware Project Concludes: Hard Data for Home ControlDownload: FF21.ZIP |
86Jeff Bachiochi | From the BenchIR Communications -- An Essential Link in the Chain of Control |
90Tom Cantrell | Silicon UpdateThe MC68HC16 -- Stretching 8 Bits to the Limit |
97 | Advertiser's Index |
98Scott Robert Ladd | Practical AlgorithmsFiltering Sampled Signals -- Software DSPDownload: FILTER.ZIP |
102Ken Davidson | ConnecTime -- Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS |
112Steve Ciarcia | Steve's Own INKReach Out ... |
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