2Ken Davidson | Editor's INKProcess This |
4 | Reader's INKLetters to the Editor |
8Harv Weiner | New Product News |
14Michael R. Smith | To DSP or Not to DSPWill a RISC chip do it Better?Everyone usually assumes that to do true digital signal processing, a dedicated DSP chip is necessary. Depending on the application, today's high-speed RISC processors may do just as good a job. |
26Gerald McGuire |
A spectrum analyzer is normally made with banks of analog filters. Using a popular DSP, this project will display the frequency content of a voice on an oscilloscope screen using just four chips and some glue.
34Steven Avritch | Shaping the World of SoundHave you ever tried to pick voice out of the static when listening to a radio transmission? The DSP2000 Audio Waveform Shaper was built for just such a purpose and succeeds quite nicely.Download: DSP2000.ZIP |
40John N. Hait | The Dawning of the Light TransistorAn Optical Computer Method Using Interference Fringe Component RegionsThat super '586 system sitting on your desk could soon be replaced by a hologram. Find out about the world's first photonic transistor and what it could mean to computing as we know it. |
50Tom Dahlin Don Krantz | Closing the Loop on DC Motor ControlStepper motors have been the mainstay of most precision motor control applications. By using the LM628 for control, a DC motor may be a suitable replacement for a stepper and provide some additional benefits. |
58Charles R. Conkling, Jr. | Designing with Programmable LogicWe've all seen those mysterious little chips called PLDs used in circuits. There are some very definite guidelines that must be followed when using PLDs, as Charles Conkling's years of experience have shown. |
70Ed Nisley |
80Jeff Bachiochi | From the BenchApproaching PCB NirvanaThe search for the best way to make your own prototype PC boards is often like the search for the Holy Grail. Sir Jeff's come pretty close this time with his newest drinking cup. |
86Tom Cantrell | Silicon UpdateThe Ultimate Desk ACESSory?If DEC and Philips/Signetics have anything to say about future PCs, your days of crawling around under your desk routing cables may soon come to an end. |
92John Dybowski | Practical AlgorithmsPower CodeIn battery-powered systems, power consumption is of the utmost importance. It's not always necessary to build in complicated power- control circuits to reduce current consumption, though. |
97 | Advertiser's Index |
98Ken Davidson | ConnecTime -- Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS |
112Steve Ciarcia | Steve's Own INKCost is in the Eye of the Beholder |
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