2Ken Davidson | Editor's INKWarp Speed, Mr. LaForge |
6 | Reader's INKLetters to the Editor |
8Harv Weiner | New Product News |
14John N. Hait | Programmable LightwareHow to Develop Photonic Products for Fun and ProfitYou think those new processors such as the Pentium and Alpha are fast? Ever consider a light-based computer? It may not be long before you SEE one of these. |
26Shaun Greaney | In the Eye of the BeholderDisplaying Messages with the LightStick IIIf you've ever seen multiple images of the current time as you sweep your eye past a digital clock, you've experienced the premise behind the LightStick II. Find out how to display your own ghostly images.Download: LITESTIK.ZIP |
36Do-While Jones | Interrupt-free DesignOver the years, the purpose behind a design decision is often forgotten in a sea of, "But that's the way we've always done it." If you automatically use interrupts in your embedded designs, think again. |
40Hank Wallace | An Assembly Language Programming AidEven though it may seem everyone has switched to high-level languages, experienced programmers know the value of hand-crafted assembly code. Here's one technique that combines the best of both worlds. |
48Ed Nisley | Firmware FurnaceHardware for the '386SX Project's Bitmapped LCD PanelOn with the show. Ed proceeds with the addition of a Graphic LCD Interface to his Firmware Development Board. It's not all pixels and dots from here; instead it is timing and control that must be dealt with.Download: FF43.ZIP |
58Jeff Bachiochi |
64Tom Cantrell | Silicon UpdateOp-amp TerminatorsDelving into the occult world of analog design, our digital hero takes some jabs at this necessary evil of real-world interfacing and checks out some new chips destined to take over where the op-amp left off. |
70John Dybowski | Embedded TechniquesData Logging and Collection DevicesSo what comes between a high-tech Cray and a low-tech transistor? Follow along as John starts a series describing a general-purpose embedded control system with lots of potential. |
77Russ Reiss | Patent Talk |
81 | Advertiser's Index |
83Ken Davidson | ConnecTime -- Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS |
96Steve Ciarcia | Steve's Own INKAnd the Survey Says ... |
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