Circuit Cellar Ink 45
April 1994

Table of Contents


Ken Davidson

Editor's INK

Video Galore


Reader's INK

Letters to the Editor


Harv Weiner

New Product News


Steve Ciarcia

PDF Control Your Audio/Video Connections with the AVMux

One of Steve's more popular Circuit Cellar projects from years ago was the AVMux. With today's more sophisticated home theater requirements and the availability of newer, better chips, it's time to revisit the AVMux project.


Mike Barnes

Exploring the Vertical Blanking Interval

A Tool for Gathering Data from your TV

Have you ever wondered what useful information might be hiding between the lines of your typical mindless television show? Mike did, so pulled out his soldering iron and cross-assembler to find out.

Download: VBI.ZIP


Mary Luria
Laura Butzel

Employer Ownership of Employee and Consultant Work Product

Do you have work-related hobbies or work at home, or are you an independent contractor hired on a part-time or project basis? If so, who owns your work? Find out the latest case law from two attorneys.


Ed Nisley

Firmware Furnace

Bringing the '386SX Project's Graphic LCD Panel to Life

If you've been ready for some action with Ed's graphic LCD panel, this month's installment gets you started with routines that will give you plenty to watch plus will excercise your system's extended memory.

Download: FF45.ZIP


Jeff Bachiochi

PDF From the Bench

Build the Message Board -- An Audio Record/Playback Unit

When you need to speak potentially thousands of different phrases, you can't beat text-to-speech synthesis. When you need a small number of sounds, though, simply record them with the Message Board and play them back at will.

Download: FTB45.ZIP


Tom Cantrell

Silicon Update

When the SHARC Bites

You say you need a hot topic to get your mind off the weather? Picture yourself in a lawn chair, Hawaiian shirt, and shorts with a Long Island Ice Tea on the beach reading the latest on SHARCs. No, not the fish, the chip...


John Dybowski

Embedded Techniques

Who's in Control?

In his continuing series on building an embedded control system, John looks at reset circuits, power fail conditions, more battery management, and finally expands on his treatment of the LCD display interface.

Download: ET45.ZIP


Russ Reiss

Patent Talk


Advertiser's Index


Ken Davidson

ConnecTime -- Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS


Steve Ciarcia

Steve's Own INK

In the Citadel

FTP Directory for INK 45
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