2Ken Davidson | Task ManagerAnd the Survey Says ... |
6 | Reader I/OLetters to the Editor |
8Harv Weiner | New Product News |
12Damon Chu | Analog Data AcquisitionAs computer components evolve, chips get smaller, faster, and more integrated. Take the PIC12C672. In eight pins, Microchip brings us 2048 words of PROM, 128 bytes of user RAM, and advanced features like on-chip ADC and four analog channels. |
18Steven Kraft | DTMF Message DecodersTelephone Aids for the Hearing ImpairedTalking on the telephone is an ordinary part of life -- unless you can't hear. Steven shows how to build a DTMF message decoder to improve voice communication over the telephone for the hearing impaired.Download: DTMFDEC.ZIP |
26Craig Pataky | Interprocess CommunicationMoving DOS Programs into WindowsSometimes you want your program running in DOS and you want a GUI front end. Impossible? Not according to Craig. Although DOS and Windows are a universe apart, all you need is a wormhole to bring them together. Here's how to create one.Download: WMHOLE.ZIP |
30Bill Jackson Reynaldo Archide | Compressed-Code TinyBASICIn the embedded world, it's a precarious balance between cost and performance. TO maximize memory and reduce costs, Bill and Reynaldo suggest MIPS16, an extension of LSI Logic's TinyRISC family. |
Embedded PC34Harv Weiner | Nouveau PC |
Embedded PC39Jim Blazer Janos Levendovszky Robert Haris |
Strapped by a narrow bus and an overly taxed CPU, embedded PCs have traditionally been unable to compete with high-end data acquisition and processing. But, with a DSP coprocessor, the PC is breaking into this niche.
Embedded PC44Steve Lisberger | Precision Timing and I/OWhen precise timing of events is required, software is not the way to go since each call to the clock also takes up time. Steve therefore moves this operation into the hardware and gains better than 10-uS resolution.Download: TIMING.ZIP |
Embedded PC56Dennis Liles Rick Lehrbaum |
Embedded PC60Fred Eady | Applied PCsManaging a NASA Plant-Growth Chamber, Part 2: Coordinating Sensors and Analyzing DataFred offer a traditional data-collection technique? No way. Instead, he's taking the hardware he selected last month, starting at the sensor end, tracing the datastream to the SBC301 flash file, and serving it up to a Web browser. |
66Ingo Cyliax | MicroSeriesMC68030 Workstation, Part 2: The Boot PROM Monitor & Device DriversStranded by Motorola's decision to discontinue an affordable MC68000 eval board, Ingo built a 68k platform to teach programming in assembly. After covering the hardware last month, he looks at the boot-PROM monitor and how to build device drivers. |
74Jeff Bachiochi | From the BenchPrototypes of the Rich and Famous -- Not!Once, the undersides of prototype boards were a spaghetti-factory wonder. Now, with the advent of mail-order PCBs, engineers can unwire their prototypes. Heck, they can just E-mail them in via the Internet. |
78Tom Cantrell | Silicon UpdateA(r)Ray of Analog HopeAlthough Tom trembles before the analog god, he regrets the losses that digital brings. Seeking analog fidelity and digital ease, he finds his Mecca in Motorola's programmable analog array. |
65 | Advertiser's Index |
96Steve Ciarcia | HTML Priority InterruptThe People's Contest |
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