2Elizabeth Laurencot | Task ManagerNot Just One of the Guys |
6 | Reader I/OCircuit Cellar Homepage |
8Harv Weiner | New Product News
12Stephen Holland | HTML, HTML, HTML Low-Cost Software Bell-202 ModemImagine this: rapid and reliable data processing via a low-cost software modem. With the 50-MIPS Scenix SX MCU, Stephen designed just such a modem, and it offers the ease of flash memory and in-system debugging.Download: Holland.ZIP Note: Several errors are corrected in INK 110 Reader I/O. |
20Jan Axelson |
Jan knows that RS-485 is perfect for transferring small blocks of information over long distances, and she finds the RS-485 standard extremely flexible. Here, she shows us several circuits for RS-485 networks.
26Paul Breed | HTML A Web-Based Chart RecorderFrom needing a forklift to fitting in your pocket, chart recorders have undergone some big changes. Paul's recorder has something even newer -- it accesses up-to-the-minute information using an embedded web server. |
Embedded PC38Harv Weiner | Nouveau PC
Embedded PC41Aaron Feen | Embedded Ethernet FundamentalsEthernet connectivity is desirable in many real-world applications. To get your embedded device connected, listen up as Aaron overviews the hardware and software considerations you'll need to think about. |
Embedded PC45Ingo Cyliax | Real-Time PCAstronomical Issues, Part 3: Filters and UndersamplingDSP applications often incorporate FIR filters. This month, Ingo discusses digital filters and FIR techniques, as well as implementing these filters in FPGAs and undersampling -- a process used in digital radio design. |
Embedded PC51Fred Eady | Applied PCsEmbedded Internet, Part 2: TCP/IP and a 16-Bit CompilerFred continues his journey into embedded 'Net technology by implementing the Netsock/100, an embedded PC with a built-in TCP/IP stack. Regardless of your coding skills, WinSock programming can be yours! |
58David Brooks | Embedded OSs for Internet AppliancesWhen you're looking at embedded OSs for your Internet-capable product, you've got a lot of pros and cons to think about. David goes through all the points here so when the time comes, you'll be ready to figure it out on your own!Note: Additional choices mentioned by James LaBoda in INK 110 Reader I/O. |
64John Luo | Compact Optical Image ScannerMobile communications systems are big among people who take the office on the road. These systems have to be lightweight and low power. That rules out scanners, right? Wrong. The details of John's compact scanner are right here.Download: Luo.ZIP Note: Additional notes on parts availability in INK 111 Reader I/O. |
68Jim Lyle |
74Jeff Bachiochi | From the BenchLook Ma, No Hands -- The Qprox Touchless SensorJeff explores the new charge-coupled touch sensor -- the QT110 -- from Quantum Research Group. As you'll see, the analog and digital techniques it uses improve the long-term reliability of capacitive sensors. |
78Tom Cantrell | HTML Silicon UpdateXLR8R -- Working with AccelerometersWelcome to the wonderful world of micromachines! In fact, after taking a close look at a new two-axis accelerometer, Tom thinks these devices may even dominate the next price/performance curve. |
83 | HTML Test your EQ |
95 | Advertiser's Index / July Preview |
96Steve Ciarcia | HTML Priority InterruptServings Per IssueNote: Several letters in response appear in INK 109 Reader I/O. |
Circuit Cellar OnlineTom Cantrell | HTML Silicon Update OnlineThe Modem SquadAt this point, the Internet is a very PC-centric place. But as it continues to weave its way into our daily lives, expect to see all manner of web gadgets emerge. Factory automation, remote data logging, and security systems are just a few of the most compelling embedded web apps. |
Circuit Cellar OnlineIngo Cyliax |
To implement a real-time system, you have to figure out which RTOS to pick. Using a robot control application as an example, Ingo establishes what fundamental criteria you need to look at first.
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