1Curtis Franklin, Jr. | Editor's INKWorking Smarter, Not Faster |
5 | Reader's INKLetters to the Editor |
8 | Visible INKLetters to the INK Research Staff |
11Ken Davidson |
18Chris Ciarcia |
28Scott Farley | The ADALINE Learning NeuronA One-Node Net for Computer LearningMost neural network research involves large budgets and even larger mainframe computers. But artificial neurons can be harnessed for useful work on a modest desk-top computer. Handling "fuzzy" data is not a problem limited to the laboratory; a simple neuron on a common microcomputer can bring irregular data into useable focus.Download: ADALINE.BAS |
36John Eng | An Intelligent SCSI Data Acquisition System for the Apple MacintoshPart 1 -- Building the HardwareThe SCSI Bus offers important performance benefits compared to standard RS-232 links. Properly implementing the protocol requires an intelligent peripheral, but the intelligence and performance can bring impressive application results. The first of two parts looks at the hardware for an intelligent 12-bit A/D converter. An Apple Macintosh is the host computer for this application of distributed intelligence.Download: DAQ3000.ASM |
44Jeff Bachiochi | From the BenchThe Invisible NetDownload: INVNET.ARC |
50Tom Cantrell | Silicon UpdateThe Waferscale Integration PAC1000 -- Microcontroller, RISC, or PLD? |
55Jack Ganssle | Software by DesignComputing CRCs in Parallel |
60Ed Nisley | Firmware FurnaceFrom Fixed Point to Floating Point and Back Again -- Writhing RealsDownload: FPCONV.ARC |
65 | Advertiser's Index |
69Jeff Bachiochi | Build an 87xx Programming Adapter |
74Ken Davidson | ConnecTime -- Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS |
80Steve Ciarcia | Steve's Own INKThe Good Old Ways |
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