1Curtis Franklin, Jr. |
5 | Reader's INKLetters to the Editor |
8 | New Product News |
12 | Visible INKLetters to the INK Research Staff |
15John Eng | An Intelligent SCSI Data Acquisition System for the Apple MacintoshPart 2 -- Macintosh Programming the Easy WayMacintosh programming has a bad reputation but you can write useable Macintosh software without diving into screen regions and mouse events.Download: DAQ3000.ASM SCSIFAST.ASM SCSIMOVE.PAS |
22Mark Dahmke | Tracking Soviet Television SatellitesThe Soviet Union uses an impressive array of broadcast satellites to send television throughout their country. If you live in North America you can track and receive from these satellites using Mark Dahmke's techniques.Download: SATELLIT.TXT |
32Ed Nisley | A Network for Distributed ControlPart 1 -- Building an RS-485 Network for ControllersNetworks are moving out of offices into control environments. In the first article of a series, Ed Nisley presents networking basics. |
40Ken Davidson |
54 | Circuit Cellar INK Design Contest Winners |
57Tom Cantrell | Silicon UpdateBeyond ASICsNew-Generation PLDs' Cost and Flexibility Benefits |
62Ed Nisley | Firmware FurnaceExposing the UnseeablePeering deep into code with the help of a single strategic bitDownload: TRACER.ASM TRACER.COM |
65 | Advertiser's Index |
69Jeff Bachiochi | From the BenchTo Participate is to Win |
73Jack Ganssle | Software by DesignSignal SmoothingTaking the Rough Edges off of Real-World Data |
74Ken Davidson | ConnecTime -- Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS |
80Steve Ciarcia | Steve's Own INKDon't Mess with Mother Nature |
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