1Ken Davidson | Editor's INKOur Upcoming Year |
4 | Reader's INKLetters to the Editor |
10 | New Product News |
16Dale Nassar | Three-Dimensional Graphics by ComputerComputer-Generated AnaglyphsDale Nassar enjoys combining three-dimensional imaging with computers. Find out how to create images on your computer screen with realistic-looking depth.Download: ANAGLYPH.ZIP |
30Chris Ciarcia | PC-Based Optical System DesignUsing Your PC to Design a LensMost of us are familiar with circuit simulation by computer, but how often do we consider doing the same for optical systems? Chris Ciarcia gives us a sampling by showing how to design a lens by computer.Download: LENS.ZIP |
38William J. Kressbach | A Video Editing Control System -- Part 2In the last issue, Bill Kressbach described the hardware aspects of a video editing controller. In this final part, he gives the software particulars.Download: VIDEOED.ZIP |
46Bruce Ackerman | High-Resolution Timing on a PCTiming events with microsecond resolution using your IBM PC is easier than you think. See how it's done with no additional hardware.Download: HRT.ZIP |
52Frank Swiger Joe Glover | The FS-100 MC68HC11-Based Single-Board ComputerOn-board Keyboard and Video Interfaces Complete this Single-Board PowerhouseTake the popular MC68HC11, add an IBM PC keyboard interface, a video output, and some additional I/O and you have a super single-board solution.Download: FS100.ZIP |
60 | Third Design Contest ResultsWinners of Circuit Cellar INK's Third Annual Design ContestThe results are in. Yet again, the judges had a difficult time selecting from a superb field of entries. We salute this year's design contest winners. |
66Ed Nisley | Firmware FurnaceMicro-C, LEDs, and a Rotary EncoderDownload: LOCK.ZIP |
75Jeff Bachiochi | From the BenchElectronic Identification |
83Tom Cantrell | Silicon UpdateSummer Harvest -- A Cornucopia of ChipsDownload: ECONORAM.ZIP |
91Scott Robert Ladd | Practical AlgorithmsParallel Filters -- Design and Simulation by ComputerDownload: PARAFILT.ZIP |
97 | Advertiser's Index |
98Ken Davidson |
100Ken Davidson | ConnecTime -- Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS |
112Steve Ciarcia | Steve's Own INKConsultant's Dilemma |
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