2Ken Davidson | Editor's INKChange is Not in the Cards |
4 | Reader's INKLetters to the Editor |
6Harv Weiner | New Product News |
12Tricia Parks |
Where are we headed with home automation? Find out what one of the industry's leading marketing experts thinks is coming down the pike.
14Ken Davidson |
Take a handful of home automation companies, add one model home, and you have the recipe for the first in-house CEBus showcase open to the general public.
22Steve Ciarcia |
What is our favorite home automator up to these days? When he's not reminiscing about the good old days, he's dreaming up the future.
46Ken Davidson |
Current home control systems have a level of functionality not seen in systems of a few years ago. The key building block and brain of the new Circuit Cellar HCS II leaves its predecessor in the dust.
58Mark E. Nurczyk, P.E. | Designing with the LM335 Temperature SensorSomething as simple as a temperature interface can present a host of design problems. Find out how Mark handles such issues as system resolution and automated production calibration.Download: LM335.TXT |
66Bob Krause | Isolation Amplifier Design Using the IL300 Linear OptocouplerTraditionally, optocouplers are only used with digital signals. A new chip from Siemens makes it possible to use optocoupler isolation in analog circuits as well. |
74Ed Nisley |
82Charles P. Boegli | Practical AlgorithmsSimulating Dynamic System ResponsesThere are many parallels between mechanical and electrical systems. Understanding how to model dynamic mechanical systems can often increase understanding of other kinds of systems. |
92Jeff Bachiochi | From the BenchDoes It Come With a Memory ... Standard?What happens when a standard is written to be everything to everybody? Share Jeff's adventures as he wades through the emerging credit-card-size module standards. |
100Tom Cantrell | Silicon UpdateCheap Chips -- Lean and Mean PIC MachinesWhat do you do when discrete gates aren't enough and a regular microcontroller is just too much? Pick a PIC and come out just right.Download: DIGSCOPE.ZIP |
108Ken Davidson |
111Ken Davidson | ConnecTime -- Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS |
113 | Advertiser's Index |
128Steve Ciarcia | Steve's Own INKThe More It Changes, the More It Stays the Same |
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