2Ken Davidson | Editor's INKDivide and Conquer |
4 | Reader's INKLetters to the Editor |
8Harv Weiner | New Product News |
14Jim Butler | Embedded Controller Networking AlternativesDistributed control systems rely on network communications to exchange data and keep processes coordinated. There are numerous networking options available; the best depends on your application. |
22Steve Ciarcia |
34Frank Cox | The Frugal NetworkerA Crosspoint Switchboard for RS-232How many times have you wanted to be able to easily switch two or three computers between, say, a printer, two modems, and a microcontroller? Find out how to do it easily using a telephone chip.Download: FRUGAL.TXT |
42Ken Davidson |
In the last issue of Circuit Cellar INK, members of the engineering staff introduced the Circuit Cellar HCS II. Find out now how to program the system to run your home.
52Peter Hiscocks | State Machines in SoftwareA Design Technique for Single-Chip MicroprocessorsState machines are commonly built in hardware using discrete logic. Explore the use of similar techniques for embedded software. |
62Edward Oscarson | Programming the Motorola MC68HC705C8Most low-cost, stand-alone EPROM programmers can't handle microcontrollers with on-chip EPROMs. What's a developer to do? Use the chip to program itself; Edward show us how.Download: PROG7B.ZIP BURN05.ZIP |
70Ed Nisley |
78Jeff Bachiochi | From the BenchDoes It Come With a Memory ... Standard? -- Part 2 -- The Nitty-GrittyIn the last issue, Jeff introduced us to the PCMCIA memory card standard. This time, he shows us how to build an interface that should stand the test of time (assuming the standard does, too).Download: MEMCARD.ZIP |
84Tom Cantrell | Silicon UpdateTwenty Years of Micros -- Now What?The computer industry has come a long way in the last twenty years. One of the more esoteric technologies to be developed is fuzzy logic. Tom takes another look at this somewhat ticklish subject. |
92John Dybowski | Practical AlgorithmsWriting Code to Support Nonvolatile MemoryDesigning a system to survive an unexpected power loss may seem as easy as adding a battery backup to the RAM. However, making a truly bullet-proof system often requires more safeguards. |
97 | Advertiser's Index |
99Ken Davidson | ConnecTime -- Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS |
112Steve Ciarcia | Steve's Own INKA Night in the Life |
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