2Ken Davidson | Editor's INKSpread the Wealth |
6 | Reader's INKLetters to the Editor |
8Harv Weiner | New Product News |
14Ken Pergola | Aero-Pix Aerial Photography SystemIf you've ever wanted to explore aerial photography but don't have a sky-high budget, build the Aero-Pix APS and embark on a fun outdoor project!Download: AEROPIX.ZIP |
22Russ Reiss | Programming PICs on a BudgetFind out why more and more people are discovering the benefits of using PIC microcontrollers in their projects. In addition to its low cost, there are also its ease of use and flexibility.Download: PICPGM84.ZIP |
34Dan Hopping | Prototyping -- Beyond the Electronics and SoftwareYou've just come up with the perfect electronic solution enabling you to enter the house without a key. How your idea is presented may mean the difference between success or failure. Read on to find out more. |
46Ken Davidson |
52Ed Nisley | Firmware FurnaceWhat's in the Box Still Counts: A New PCSometimes the advent of more powerful microprocessors (e.g., Pentium and Power PC) prompts people to go out and purchase the newest in technology. Ed sticks to the tried and true while sharing his trials and tribulations. |
62Jeff Bachiochi | From the BenchVirtual Reality Requires Real Data, Part 1 -- Collecting Data with an ExoskeletonThe minute someone mentions virtual reality, images of being in a holodeck-type room participating in a battle against alien invaders comes to mind. However impressive this may be, technology dictates, and learning the basics is our goal. |
68Tom Cantrell | Silicon UpdateFear & Loathing in L.A.Remember classic sci-fi movies and how they depicted the future? Telephones where you could see who you were talking to and voice commands to let your TV know which movie you wanted to watch. That was then, this is now. |
74John Dybowski | Embedded TechniquesReach Out with BIOnetAs in any symbiotic system, it is important to understand the mutual benefits a host and its partner have. Although not living, the BIOnet and its satellites depend on each other in a mutually beneficial way. John delves into this unique relationship.Download: ET47.ZIP |
81 | Advertiser's Index |
84Ken Davidson | ConnecTime -- Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS |
96Steve Ciarcia | Steve's Own INKMore MIPS per Pin |
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