Circuit Cellar Ink 48
July 1994

Table of Contents


Ken Davidson

Editor's INK

Information Society


Reader's INK

Letters to the Editor


Harv Weiner

New Product News


Richard Newman

The Personal PBX

While small-scale key system units (KSUs) are available commercially for the home, they usually have extra features and require special telephones. Instead, put your own system together for a fraction of the cost.

Download: PBX.ZIP


Hank Wallace

Using the Golay Error Detection and Correction Code

People often forget the work done long before the microprocessor when developing algorithms. The discoveries made by Marcel J.E. Golay in 1949 are well-suited for some of today's communications systems.

Download: GOLAY.ZIP


John Iovine

The Great Encryption Debate

Plaintext. Cyphertext. Clipper. There is a raging debate going on in cryptography circles these days, and everyone has an opinion. Find out some of the basics to be better prepared next time someone asks for yours.



Michael Swartzendruber

Take a Bus to the Nearest Star

The Star-485 Adds Flexibility to any RS-485 Network

Daisy chained connections and under 32 nodes work just fine for many RS-485 applications. However, what happens when you need to go beyond the spec? Add a Star-485 or a BR-485 and go beyond the limits.


Ed Nisley

PDF Firmware Furnace

Journey to the Protected Land: The '386SX Takes the First Step

Protected-mode programming is not for the faint of heart, especially in embedded applications. However, it can be a useful skill to master, so let Ed be your guide as he heads into this sometimes frightening land.

Download: FF48.ZIP


Jeff Bachiochi

From the Bench

Virtual Reality Requires Real Data, Part II -- A Simple Matter of Software

Got those exoskeletons built yet? If so, now is the time to do some experimenting and data collection. It wouldn't be a complete project if the software wasn't covered. So Jeff steps back into the virtual world with a view from software.

Download: FTB48.ZIP


Tom Cantrell

Silicon Update

IrDA -- the IR Babel Buster

What good is the infrared interface on your newest palmtop or PDA when it can't be used to talk to other people's units? A consortium of manufacturers agrees, and the result is IrDA. Find out more.


John Dybowski

Embedded Techniques

Add Some Code to the BIOnet

Networking hardware is pretty worthless without some control code. John brings the BIOnet to life with a mix of C and assembler routines.

Download: ET48.ZIP


Advertiser's Index


Ken Davidson

ConnecTime -- Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS


Steve Ciarcia

Steve's Own INK

One Man's Junk ...

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