2Ken Davidson | Editor's INKBreaking Old Habits |
6 | Reader's INKLetters to the Editor |
8Harv Weiner | New Product News |
14Scott Edwards | The Juggler's Delight: PIC-based Controller for up to Eight ServosThe engineer who looks beyond his or her own discipline for solutions to problems is far more successful than one who wears blinders. Here, motors designed for the R/C field find a more general-purpose use.Download: SERVOPIC.ZPI |
22Bill Payne | Analyst 2 Data Line MonitorYou make your serial connections, run the appropriate software on both ends, and nothing happens. What do you do next? If you have an Analyst 2 data line monitor, you'll have your connection buzzing in no time.Download: AN2.ZIP |
36Art Sobel | A RISC Designer's New Right ARMDesigning with the ARM ProcessorBefore you discount something as powerful as a 32-bit processor in your next embedded design, take the time to check out the ARM series of RISC processors. They make more sense than you might think. |
48Wayne Thompson | Feeling Out a Braille Digital ClockThe Braille digital clock offers persons who are blind or visually impaired an alternative to talking clocks and obsolete motor-driven wheel clocks with tactile markings.Download: BRAILLE.ZIP |
56Ed Nisley |
64Jeff Bachiochi | From the BenchCelebrate National Cannibalism Week: Take Your Old Floppy Drives to LunchMost people have had to replace a floppy disk drive at one time or another, but couldn't bring themselves to toss the old one. Jeff dives into some old drives to see just what he can find. |
70Tom Cantrell | Silicon UpdateFlash of InspirationThe latest craze in nonvolatile storage is flash memory, but adding it to a system using PCMCIA cards has its shortcomings. Tom checks out a unique solution that requires virtually no extra hardware or software. |
76John Dybowski | Embedded Techniquesec.32 Wrap UpJohn finishes his series on the DS80C320-based ec.32 board by covering the analog I/O, digital I/O, and power supply sections. Once complete, the ec.32 makes an ideal high-speed, lower-power embedded controller.Download: SIM320.ZIP |
81 | Advertiser's Index |
84Ken Davidson | ConnecTime -- Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS |
96Steve Ciarcia | Steve's Own INKOf Patentable Value? |
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