2Ken Davidson | Editor's INKThe Golden Issue? |
6 | Reader's INKLetters to the Editor |
8Harv Weiner | New Product News |
14Dana Romero | Time to Meet Big Brother: Exploring the M68HC16The M68HC11's big brother -- the M68HC16 -- has been on the market for a short time now. Take a look at how the siblings compare and find out what the more powerful of the two has to offer for your next application.Download: HC16EVAL.ZIP |
24Hugo Cheung | DRAM on an 8031: It's Not as Hard as You'd ThinkAlthough the 8051 family is not designed to use DRAM, it can be done. Hugo shows us how to connect the 8051 family CPU to 256 KB or more DRAM. |
34Ron Stence | Motorola's 68322 Processor: Redefining the Low-end Laser MarketChip integration has consistently reduced the size and price of devices while improving their speed, reliability, and features. The laser printer is no exception. This new chip could revolutionize the low-end market. |
40Michael Collier, Ph.D. Fred Gweme | Preventing the Ultimate Blow: A Portable Checking Unit for 8751sWhen you're doing engineering in a country where microcontrollers aren't particularly plentiful, you take great care not to to blow up the ones you have. When one appears dead, plug it into this tester for instant results.Download: 8751TST.ASM |
44Stephen Bigelow | Understanding PC BusesWhile most people are familiar with buses like ISA, EISA, and MCA, what about newer players like VL and PCI? Why do we need more and more buses when the old ones just won't die? Stephen surveys the field to find out. |
52Ed Nisley |
62Jeff Bachiochi | From the BenchProbing the Dark Side: The Motorist's Aid to HindsightMotorcyclists have enough going against them when they take to the road without having to worry about missing someone in their blind spot. Jeff turns to technology to help make his next ride just a little bit safer.Download: FTB50.ZIP |
68Tom Cantrell | Silicon UpdatePID-Pong: Point, Set, Match: Using a Hitachi H8 for Real-time ControlJust when you thought it was safe to bring out your ping-pong balls again, Tom reintroduces his PID-Pong challenge. He now has a winner, and he describes just what victory required.Download: PIDDLE.ZIP |
74John Dybowski | Embedded TechniquesFast Processors, Big Caps, and Ring OscillatorsContinuing his discussion of the ec.32 board, John finally spends some time with the DS80C320 itself, plus considers how to back up system components through a power outage and how to keep power use to a minimum. |
81 | Advertiser's Index |
82Ken Davidson | ConnecTime -- Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS |
96Steve Ciarcia | Steve's Own INKI'll Put My Money Where My Mouth Is |
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