2Ken Davidson | Editor's INKIt's Only Skin Deep |
6 | Reader's INKLetters to the Editor |
8Harv Weiner | New Product News |
14David Rees-Thomas | Simulating Microprocessor Instructions in CAlthough burning EPROMs no longer costs a bundle, it still takes time and isn't very efficient for debugging. To cut labor costs and better learn the micro he's using, David creates his own simulator.Download: SIMC.ZIP |
20Hank Wallace | No Emulator? Try a One-wire DebuggerA bug the night before a tradeshow drives Hank to invent his own debugger which scans for the smallest bit in a data burst and outputs the bitstream to the printer. He admits it's not an emulator, but in a pinch...Download: ONEWIRE.ZIP |
24Steven Kubis | Using Spreadsheets to Simulate Digital FiltersWho says spreadsheets are just a financial tool? Steven proves otherwise. Cells easily accomodate input data and subsequent calculations of the output signal. Voila, your spreadsheet is a digital filter. |
28Art Sobel | A RISK Designer's New Right ARMWriting Code for the ARM ProcessorAfter an introduction to the ARM and its hardware in the October and December issues, Art wraps up his three-part series with the fundamentals of ARM software. Listen in for some good "how tos."Download: ARMUCOS.ZIP DEMON600.ZIP |
42Ed Nisley |
50Jeff Bachiochi | From the BenchGetting By With Next to Nothing: Micro-power Wake-up ControlYou'd think with this lean, mean, wake-up machine that there'd be no eggs and bacon. But, with the right power management, a lot can be done on very little.Download: FTB54.ZIP |
Home Automation & Building Control60David Gaddis |
Forget rewiring. Use your existing coax cable system to create a first-class, whole-house entertainment system that includes a multimedia computer and is on a budget you can afford.
Home Automation & Building Control69Steve Ciarcia |
The HCS II accomplishes lots of goals -- ease of use, energy savings, security, and automation. But, you've got to know how to make connections to real-world devices for it to be effective. For this, Steve takes us back to the basics, reminding us of how to do fundamental hard-wired connections.
Home Automation & Building Control81Jeff Fisher |
Home Automation & Building Control87Robert M. Luzensky Jack Ivey |
100Tom Cantrell | Silicon UpdateUFO Alert!The old 8051, despite its popularity, is losing ground to current competition. Philips is fighting back. Their new "8051s" wear the same 8-bit jacket, but underneath lies a 16-bit ALU, register set, and bus interface. |
108John Dybowski | Embedded TechniquesMicros Behind BarsTo gain a better understanding of how bar code works, John picks one apart. He then looks at the hardware and firmware required to get a real microcontroller decoding real bar code.Download: BAR.ZIP |
97 | Advertiser's Index |
115Ken Davidson | ConnecTime -- Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS |
128Steve Ciarcia | Steve's Own INKHat Dance |
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