2Ken Davidson | Editor's INKGo Huskies! |
6 | Reader's INKLetters to the Editor |
8Harv Weiner | New Product News |
14Brad Hunting | The Solution's in the CAN -- Part 1Industrial-class, Small-area NetworksIn the first of a two-part series on CAN, Brad looks specifically at the CAN protocol and how it and its existing hardware implementations meet the requirements of a small area network. |
22Christopher Morris | The RDS ProspectorRead Your Radio!RDS enables a radio to display messages recovered from the inaudible 57-kHz band of the FM signal. Chris introduces us to an inexpensive decoder which displays text and works with an existing FM tuner.Download: RDS.ZIP |
30Kenneth Ciszewski | Siemens ESCC2 UARTMaking a High-speed Audio Link SingNot at the speed of light, but almost the speed of sound, the ESCC2 sings. This UART offers the harmony of high-speed asynchronous transmission through hardware interface, initialization, and software algorithms. |
38Robert Priestley | Low-cost PC-based Universal 68HC705 Development SystemFaced with a mammoth project, Robert realized he'd never get done unless traditional burn methods were replaced with something less tedious. His solution: a 68HC705 development system.Download: 68705DEV.EXE |
48Ed Nisley |
58Jeff Bachiochi | From the BenchTime in a Can: Just Add 1 Bit of I/OIt's almost time to open the cooler and chug back those cans. This Bud's real cool. It offers a combination of elapsed time, enabled counts, ID serial number, and NVRAM. |
66Tom Cantrell | Silicon UpdateEPAC EpochCursed by analog? Latch onto this new electronically programmable analog circuit. In Tom's opinion, this circuit marks the beginning of a new trend in computing analog relations. |
72John Dybowski | Embedded TechniquesReal Keyboard EmulationJohn wraps up his AT keyboard discussion with a look at the command set, scan-code tables, and a real application. He emulates keyboard communication using touch memory and an 8751 microprocessor.Download: ET58.ZIP |
81 | Advertiser's Index |
82Ken Davidson | ConnecTime -- Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS |
96Steve Ciarcia | Steve's Own INKPolitically Correct Programming |
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