2Elizabeth Laurencot | Task ManagerEverything Old is New Again |
6 | Reader I/OLetters to the Editor |
8Harv Weiner | New Product News
14Stuart Ball | Multiprocessor CommunicationsPart 1: Methods for CommunicatingCommunication is tricky no matter what, right? But when you have several processors involved, well, it just gets worse. Stuart begins this two-part series by looking at ways to get the messages between processors on a single backplane. |
20Joe Circello Sylvia Thirtle | HTML Developing a Custom Integrated ProcessorAnalyzing the Price/Performance TradeoffIf standard processor configurations aren't quite what you need, consider a processor-independent core. Joe and Sylvia bring to your doorstep a customizable core, so you can manipulate valuable variables in the price/performance equation. |
26Vladimir Ivanovic Mike Mahar |
If you're set on putting some desktop-Java functionality into an embedded system, chances are that you've hadsome sleepless nights. No more! That's what Vladimir and Mike promise if you'll consider the available alternatives.
36Hank Wallace | Music at Your FingertipsGuitar Effects via Remote ControlHank loves to play guitar, and like many guitarists, he thinks that using pedals to control the effects is too restrictive. What's a stage-raging musician to do? As an embedded-systems designer, Hank opted to put the music in the hands of the artist.Download: guitar effects.zip |
Embedded PC42Harv Weiner | Nouveau PC
Embedded PC47Ingo Cyliax | Real-Time PCEmbedded RT-Linux, Part 3: NetworkingWhy is Linux so popular? It could be the networking. No, not the schmoozing nice-to-meet-ya kind of networking! Ingo's talking about the down-and-dirty details of protocol stacks, link-level devices, network file systems ... |
Embedded PC56Fred Eady |
62Gordon Dick | HTML, HTML The PCL3013 Step/Servo Motor Controller in ActionIf you need a high-performance step/servo motor controller, check in with Gordon. Along with its unique approach to program memory (data is written to preregisters), the PCL3013 offers so many interesting features, you won't want to miss out. |
68Joe DiBartolomeo | MicroSeriesTPU, Part 1: A Coprocessor for Timing FunctionsTiming is everything, moreso for embedded systems. So we don't lag behind, Joe provides us with the basics of the timer/counter functions found on various popular microcontrollers before introducing the time processor unit. |
76Jeff Bachiochi | From the BenchCan You Feel the Beat?With a son taking drum lessons, it's no suprise that Jeff wants to create a metronome. And small wonder that he needs an accurate timebase for it! Listen in to learn how a new crystal oscillator helps out. |
80Tom Cantrell |
95 | Advertiser's Index / February Preview |
96Steve Ciarcia | HTML, HTML Priority Interrupt'Net Worth |
Circuit Cellar OnlineTom Cantrell | HTML Silicon Update OnlineIt's Showtime |
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