2Elizabeth Laurencot | Task ManagerAvoiding the Fuzzy Faux Pas |
6 | Reader I/OLetters to the Editor |
8Harv Weiner | New Product News
12Walter Banks | Fuzzy Logic Becomes Velvet ProgrammingWe don't hear too much about fuzzy logic anymore. And, Walter wondered why. But once he started looking at the applications around him, it became clear that there's a reason for all the hush-hush. Fuzzy logic has hit the mainstream. |
16Constantin von Altrock |
Is your teen learning to drive? Are you worried? If you think they lack logic, maybe you should consider fuzzy logic. Constantin uses fuzzy rules to consistently limit the speed of commercial trucks, despite weight variables and truck type.
20Constantin von Altrock | Fuzzy FootfallsPressure Sensing in a Medical ShoeIf you've ever had knee surgery, you know how long it takes to recover. Imagine a pressure sensor that enables you to monitor the pressure you're putting on a bad knee. Fuzzy logic and a tension sensor make it all possible. |
26John Carbone |
34Stuart Ball | Multiprocessor CommunicationsPart 2: Serial Communication MethodsIt's not always true, but there are times when more distance is a good thing, right? (Maybe the tax man or your mother-in-law come to mind...) But when that message still has to get across, Stuart's methods work both locally and over long distances. |
Embedded PC42Harv Weiner | Nouveau PC
Embedded PC46Thomas Wall Mike Bauer | An OS for Test and MeasurementLooking to improve on some existing products, Burleigh Instruments did some comparison shopping for a new operating system. The result? Windows CE came out on top. Check in with Thomas and Mike to see why. |
Embedded PC51Ingo Cyliax | Real-Time PCEmbedded RT-Linux, Part 4: Developing Under Linux gcc/gdbWant to work with Linux? Well, then, you need to know about the development tools. Fortunately, all of Linux's development tools run under Linux -- that includes everything from compilers and languages to I/O debugging. |
Embedded PC59Fred Eady | Applied PCsIn the Face of Medusa, Part 2: A Whole New SolutionFred had it all figured out. His tried-and-true design was set to go, but then a conversation with a friend turned him on to something new. Using an Octagon 6040 and an industrial-strength BASIC made all the difference in the world. |
66Joe DiBartolomeo | MicroSeriesTPU, Part 2: Freeing the CPUNow that we know what the TPU is, we can begin to put it to work for us. In this installment, Joe applies the TPU to some processor-intensive applications. The big advantage of TPU is the increase in throughput. |
74Jeff Bachiochi | From the BenchJTAG TestabilitySeems that some standards don't do what they were designed for. They turn out to do more! This month, Jeff explains why JTAG is being so widely adopted by manufacturers of everything from chips to systems. |
78Tom Cantrell |
95 | Advertiser's Index / March Preview |
96Steve Ciarcia | HTML, HTML Priority InterruptSurvey 101 |
Circuit Cellar OnlineTom Cantrell | HTML Silicon Update OnlineZilog Lives!? |
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