6Rob Walker | Task ManagerHitting the Green |
8Harv Weiner | New Product News
10Robert R. Severson | Applied USB: A Cookbook ApproachDeveloping a project that interfaces to a USB port isn't as straightforward as parallel or serial-port interfacing, but according to Rob, the opportunities are worth the effort. Read on to learn why USB will be the port of the next generation of PCs. |
20Bob Brown Michal Tamborski | Flash ForwardImplementing Downloadable Firmware via Flash MemoryIf you're going to use flash memory to simplify firmware upgrades, you'll need to design your system from the beginning with this in mind. Listen in as Bob and Michal explain some of the problems and solutions that come with flash memory. |
26Jan Gray |
36Jeff Stefan | Killing Bugs in Your PalmOSDebugging with State MachinesYou've written an application that uses the serial port on your Palm Pilot, but when you try to launch the app, nothing happens. If this situation sounds familiar, pay close attention as Jeff reveals an old embedded-systems programmer's trick.Download: stefan.ZIP |
Embedded PC44Harv Weiner | Nouveau PC
Embedded PC45Ingo Cyliax | Real-Time PCA Matter of Time, Part 3: Synchronizing a PC to a Time SignalThere are ready-made solutions as well as totally home-grown approaches available for most engineering problems. As Ingo concludes this series, he shows us that sometimes it makes sense to adopt a mixture of both. |
Embedded PC51Fred Eady | Applied PCsGetting the DatabootNot only is DOS still alive, but as Fred shows us, Arcom and Datalight have teamed up to provide a great deal of functionality in a hidden ROM-DOS partition that is Kryptonite-resistant and ready at a moment's notice. |
56Mike Baptiste | Throw Away the Key!An iButton Lock SystemYou know the routine: put the key in the lock, try to open the door, realize the key is upside down... Mike came home with his hands full one too many times, so he set out to add an iButton lock system to his home automation setup.Download: baptiste.ZIP |
62Tom Bishop | MicroSeriesRapid Gratification with FPGA Design, Part 2: Quicker and Better DesignTom covered the FPGA background information in Part 1, now it's time to take a detailed look at the design process. It's all here, everything from designing functional blocks to simulation and debugging. |
72Jeff Bachiochi |
76Tom Cantrell | Silicon UpdateSoC it to MeSystem-on-Chip technology works well if you've got the budget and the manpower to forge the chip. But, Tom has found an alternative that makes SoC technology available to the masses. |
83 | HTML Test Your EQ |
95 | Advertiser's Index / April Preview |
96Steve Ciarcia | HTML, HTML Priority InterruptY2K PhooeyNote: Additional comments by Bill Schweber in INK 119 Reader I/O. |
Circuit Cellar OnlineVinit Nijhawan |
Circuit Cellar OnlineShawn Arnold |
Circuit Cellar OnlineStuart Ball |
Circuit Cellar OnlineNoel Rios |
Programming the good-old 87C51 is easy when you have a dedicated or universal programmer, but such devices aren't free. That's why Noel used an EPROM programmer, crystal, logic IC, and a few other parts to make this simple, inexpensive adapter for programming the 87C51.
Circuit Cellar OnlineIngo Cyliax |
Circuit Cellar OnlineGeorge Martin |
Circuit Cellar OnlineTom Cantrell |
Circuit Cellar OnlineJeff Bachiochi | HTML Ask Us, The Engineer's Tech-Help ResourceLet us help keep your project on track or simplify your design decision. Put your tough technical questions in front of the ASK US team. In an engineering predicament? Read questions & answers from other engineers. |
Circuit Cellar OnlineBob Perrin | What's Your Engineering Quotient?Test Your EQ presents some basic engineering problems for you to test your engineering quotient. |
Circuit Cellar OnlineBob Paddock | Resource LinksEach month Circuit Cellar's Resource Links provide helpful links and information on a variety of featured topics. |
Circuit Cellar OnlineHarv Weiner | New Product NewsNew Product submissions may be sent to Harv Weiner, 4 Park St., Vernon, CT 06066. |
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