6Rob Walker | Task ManagerIn the Right Game |
8Rick Prescott | New Product News
10Tom Dahlin Don Krantz | HTML Wireless Data LinkAs part of U of MN's team of researchers and developers, Tom and Don are working on a miniature, self-contained robot. Their experience led to a short-range wireless data link design that you may modify for your own applications. So, get ready to scout for helpful details.Download: dahlin-131.zip |
20Stephan Goldstein | High-Performance Oscilloscope Amplitude CalibratorIf you're like Stephan, you probably have a closet filled with various used test equipment. Some work well, but others require time and effort to fix. In order to make these purchases more beneficial, Stephan designed a simple tool to test the products.Note: Corrections in INK 133 Reader I/O. |
30David Smith | Under the SeaA SCUBA Dive MonitorIt's June, and David is heading to the beach. SCUBA divers typically chart their dive data the old-fashioned way, with pencil and paper. But, engineers always look for a challenge, right? Combining his talents, David devised a submersible data logger that uploads to a PC. |
38Mariano Barron Javier Martinez | Electronics LabWhen Mariano Barron and Javier Martinez teamed for the Design2K Contest, they used the opportunity to improve electronics education. Here they explain how they created a teaching tool that uses the best features of both microcontrollers and PCs.Download: barron-131.zip |
Embedded PC48Fred Eady | Applied PCsWorking with a PlayerDo miracles happen? When a company advertises a low-cost device that enables Internet connectivity for practically anything, Fred takes notice. When that product also promises not to require much code, he gets to work testing. And, yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.Download: eady-131.zip |
56Rob Walker | HTML The Road to SuccessDriven to Design Contest Winners
60Ed Nisley | Above the Ground PlaneCan't Set Your ClockDoes bad reception ever interrupt your favorite songs on the radio? Would purchasing a bigger antenna or a few opamps solve all of the problems? Ed's been delving into the world of radio frequency transmission and has come to some interesting conclusions.Download: nisley-131.zip Note: Corrections in INK 133 Reader I/O. |
68Jeff Bachiochi | From the BenchIntelligible HUBbub, Ethernet Home NetworkingPerhaps you think networks are solely for the office. Jeff's here to explain why he hooked up his home computers, too. While he's at it, he shares how to rig your own home network. |
76Tom Cantrell | Silicon UpdatePower TrippedCalifornia's recent power crisis has shined the spotlight on energy conservation. Often taken for granted, power isn't free nor unlimited. From the West Coast, Tom talks about the problem and fixes. |
82David Tweed | HTML Test Your EQ |
95 | Advertiser's Index / July Preview |
96Steve Ciarcia | HTML, HTML Priority InterruptStill Doing the Old Stuff Better |
Circuit Cellar OnlineJohn West Mark Stachew |
Circuit Cellar OnlineRobert Bowen |
As his designs started getting more complicated, and he found they were not reusable from system to system, Robert began to turn his focus to new development programs. Demonstrating the advantages of using an embedded PC and real-time kernel, he took advantage of open source programming tools and searched for a real-time executive. It all makes for more capability, complex I/O, and high-speed data acquisition.
Circuit Cellar OnlineEd Sutter |
Circuit Cellar OnlineJames Antonakos |
Circuit Cellar OnlineSteve Ciarcia |
Circuit Cellar OnlineGeorge Martin |
Circuit Cellar OnlineTom Cantrell |
Circuit Cellar OnlineJeff Bachiochi | HTML Ask Us, The Engineer's Tech-Help ResourceLet us help keep your project on track or simplify your design decision. Put your tough technical questions in front of the ASK US team. In an engineering predicament? Read questions & answers from other engineers. |
Circuit Cellar OnlineDavid Tweed | HTML What's Your Engineering Quotient?Test Your EQ presents some basic engineering problems for you to test your engineering quotient. |
Circuit Cellar OnlineJenn Belmonte | Resource LinksEach month Circuit Cellar's Resource Links provide helpful links and information on a variety of featured topics. |
Circuit Cellar OnlineRick Prescott | New Product NewsNew Product submissions may be sent to Rick Prescott, 4 Park St., Vernon, CT 06066. |
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