2Ken Davidson | Editor's INKDigital Sound Processing |
6 | Reader's INKLetters to the Editor |
8Harv Weiner | New Product News |
14Do-While Jones | Digital Filter AlchemyTurning Circuits into CodeDo-While assumes you've picked your microprocessor and hardware circuitry. He just wants to help you with the digital-filtering techniques. He offers closeups on actual digital-filter implementation. |
24Sebastien Roy |
None of the methods for storing digitally recorded speech met project needs. After summarizing verious methods, Sebastien refines the companded differential PCM method, a solution which fit the bill.
34Matt Park | Real-Time Digital Signal Processing with a PC and Sound CardA Windows-compatible sound card and a 486 PC are all you need to experiment with real-time digital signal processing. Here, Matt introduces us to Digitize, a real-time software DSP alternative.Download: DIGIT1_1.ZIP DIGIT_SC.ZIP |
42Eric Ambrosino | PC-based EqualizerMultimedia on the PC has given new dimensions to the importance of PC sound. In this article, Eric presents an equalizer with a graphical interface comparable to what you would find on a home stereo.Download: PCEQ.ZIP |
50Paul Rubinfeld | Digital's Alpha 21164: Performance Drives Design ChoicesWith the Alpha chip, Digital blew open the desktop computing world. In this article, Paul specifically looks at how Alpha achieves its high performance. As with much of life, it appears that cache is the secret. |
56Ed Nisley |
64Jeff Bachiochi | From the BenchDecontaminating the AtmosphereFCC testing may strike fear in the hearts of engineers, but going in armed with the knowledge that you've done your own pretesting can be a comfort. Jeff checks out some inexpensive EMI probes that can help. |
70Tom Cantrell | Silicon UpdatePLDCONfusionA PAL is a PAL, right? Not these days. Programmable logic has taken off, and with it comes many of the same dilemmas faced when trying to select a microprocessor. Tom tries to make some sense of the confusion. |
76John Dybowski | Embedded TechniquesPower Managment with the DS87C530: Part 1: The HardwareInstead of regulating power by turning the micro on and off, the DS87C530 can drop into a virtual zero-power state by shunting its minimal activities to internal oscillators. Even its real-time clock can go into an almost no-power mode. |
81 | Advertiser's Index |
84Ken Davidson | ConnecTime -- Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS |
96Steve Ciarcia | Steve's Own INKUnder the Covers |
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