6Rob Walker | Task ManagerLooking Back |
8Rick Prescott | New Product News
10Bill Gatliff | Why Not GNU?No doubt, one of the major selling points of the GNU family of development tools is their low cost. Beyond that, Bill shows us that the tools are effective solutions for a variety of embedded needs. Follow along as he covers the strengths and weaknesses of an option to consider.Download: gatliff137.zip |
20Richard Soja | An Integrated PWM Light ControllerPart 1: A Light ControllerLike many great projects, this one started out when Richard decided that commercial offerings of nighttime riding lamps for bicycles were just too expensive. More than merely a bright idea, this project also included a battery charger and a host of other enhancements. |
31Rob Walker | HTML Design Logic 2001 Contest Winners
36Wael Badawy | HTML Streaming MultimediaThe MPEG-4 ApproachTo keep pace with ever-changing video standards, Wael gives us some details about MPEG-4 and how to get the most out of it. He covers everything from how the standard was formed to the file formats that are compatible. Anyone looking for the latest info won't be disappointed.Download: badawy137.zip |
42Gordon Dick | Does Your PIC Quack?Adding Sound to a Training DeviceThere's always room for improvement. After Gordon wrote about his Quacker a few months ago, he continued revamping it. This month, he shares his newest modification, adding sound to the dog-training device. He's working with PICs again and adds ISD chips to the parts list. |
48Ed Nisley | Above the Ground PlaneUHF Wire SculptureAlthough antennas don't qualify as artwork, they are an essential part of any communication equation, especially radio communications. This month, Ed gives us a backgrounder on the ins and outs of antenna basics, as well as covering a variety of styles used today.Download: nisley137.zip |
54Kenneth Trussell | SatPoint ProjectDesign2K Contest WinnerKenneth's SatPoint project probably won't resolve the mystery of UFOs, but it does make it easy to track satellites as they orbit above us. With the help of a Philips 87LPC764 controller, the SatPoint plots the course and points out satellites as they pass over your location. |
Embedded PC62Fred Eady | Applied PCsWhen Problems Strike Your PICDEM ProjectWhen things go wrong, finding out where the problem is can be difficult. When it comes to straightforward user blunders, kicking yourself doesn't help. This month, Fred suffers setbacks but still manages to get Ethernet frames transferred using the RTL8019AS and a PIC.Download: eady137.zip |
70Jeff Bachiochi | From the BenchDesktop Status from NetMediaKeeping track of people is challenging. A hardware and software solution from NetMedia might reduce the number of "away from their desk" messages as well as rounds of phone tag.Download: ftb137.zip |
78Tom Cantrell | Silicon UpdateReady, Steady, GoDespite the recent dot.bomb economic trend, when it comes to "embedded Internet," it's business as usual. Tom's trip to the 2001 EIC resulted in assurance that the world of embedded continues to move forward. |
82David Tweed | HTML Test Your EQ |
94 | Advertiser's Index / January Preview |
96Steve Ciarcia | HTML, HTML Priority InterruptWho's Really Organized Anyway?Remember when the reason for having a computer was because it was supposed to make you more organized? The mountains of paper cluttering your life would dissolve and you would become more efficient. I can't speak for you, but with every new iteration of computing power and operating system, the mess around me gets deeper and deeper. I don't feel more efficient these days.... |
Circuit Cellar OnlineJack Dennon |
When using a product in the real world, unexpected requirements inevitably occur. Having total control over things helps when it comes to handling these requirements. Sound impossible? Apparently not to Jack, who shows us how to get the level of control we need by combining Linux with a simple homegrown device driver.
Circuit Cellar OnlineDon Powrie |
Circuit Cellar OnlineJames Antonakos |
Circuit Cellar OnlineGeorge Martin |
Circuit Cellar OnlineTom Cantrell |
Circuit Cellar OnlineDavid Tweed | HTML What's Your Engineering Quotient?Test Your EQ presents some basic engineering problems for you to test your engineering quotient. |
Circuit Cellar OnlineJenn Belmonte | Resource LinksEach month Circuit Cellar's Resource Links provide helpful links and information on a variety of featured topics. |
Circuit Cellar OnlineRick Prescott | New Product NewsNew Product submissions may be sent to Rick Prescott, 4 Park St., Vernon, CT 06066. |
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