6Rob Walker | Task ManagerSurvey Says... |
8Rick Prescott | New Product News |
11David Tweed | HTML Test Your EQ |
12Bruce Bowling Al Grippo | Building a Fuel-Injection ECUTrying to replace or upgrade an ECU with commercial offerings can get expensive. Instead, Bruce and Al take you through the process of building your own fuel-injection ECU. They start with plenty of information on electronic fuel injection systems and how everything works.Download: Bowling138.zip |
20Richard Soja | An Integrated PWM Light ControllerPart 2: The Battery ChargerRichard is back to finish up his project. He's been working on an integrated PWM light controller for bicycling at night, which you can adapt for your own applications. Now that you know how to build the lamp controller, it's time to complete the project with the battery charger system. |
26Jan Axelson | No Power Supply RequiredPowering USB DevicesUSB has opened a whole new chapter in the development of peripherals. In order to get the most out of it you need to understand the requirements covered in USB specifications. Who better to explain the process than accomplished author and USB expert, Jan Axelson? |
32Brian Millier | HTML An RF-Controlled Irrigation SystemWith access to a steady water supply, Brian's garden should flourish in even the driest of times. Having caught wireless fever, he set out to use an AVR and some RF products to man the pump and close the valves. Now, watering only takes a press of the green thumb.Download: millier138.zip |
38Duane Mattern | HTML Exploring QNX NeutrinoYes, QNX has been around for a while. But, that doesn't mean it's outdated nor that it isn't a helpful solution to some of today's real-time problems. Duane takes us step by step through everything from downloading the eval copy to displaying bootable images in real time.Download: mattern138.zip |
44Jim Turley | Is RISC Good for Embedded?When you're gathering materials to start your next project, there are tough choices. One major decision is picking either RISC or its predecessor, CISC. Although comparably ancient in the fast-moving tech field, CISC still makes the grade and, in fact, is often the better choice. |
50Brad Eckert | Extensibility for Small Embedded SystemsUsing a dialect of Forth, Brad shows us how to combine run-time compilation and immediate execution of add-on firmware in order to make an embedded system extensible. New hardware introduces itself to the original firmware making the upgrade process much easier. |
Embedded PC54Fred Eady | Applied PCs"The" Embedded Project, Part 1: Specifications and ComponentsEveryone has a project that lingers on the to-do list for months, just waiting for the right parts to come along. Fred decided he had to hunt down the right parts on the 'Net. First, he had to determine what parts he needed and how they would work with what he already had.Download: eady138.zip |
60Tom Napier | A Wide-Range Audio GeneratorAfter some thought about one of his past articles, Tom decided that bigger and better things were just around the corner for the project. Following up, he used analog signal manipulation to get a sine wave from the 74HCT4046 chip he used in the earlier project.Download: napier138.zip |
68Jeff Bachiochi | HTML From the BenchWhat Good is IrD, Eh?, Part 1: Cordless ProtocolThe IrDA has been hard at work creating a host of protocols. In the first part of this series, Jeff looks at the protocol that covers the requirements of the physical cordless hardware.Download: ftb138.zip |
76Tom Cantrell | Silicon UpdateDisko BoogieRecently, Tom found the first hard drive he owned and was immediately reminded of how far disk drives have come since the early days. Now, he wonders just how much better can hard disk drives get? |
94 | Advertiser's Index / February Preview |
96Steve Ciarcia | HTML, HTML Priority InterruptI'll Stay on the Ground, Thank You!I'd like to think that the public and the airline industry would have come to its senses long before the events of last September but maybe that's what it took. Yes, air travel is down, flights have been cut, and airline stocks are in the tank. It's easy to correlate it all to security but I think the cause started long before September 11, 2001. Many of us wonder if long-distance travel is worth the hassle. Security delays are but one more item on the list of reasons against it... |
Circuit Cellar OnlineDaniel Mihalik |
Circuit Cellar OnlineAubrey Kagan |
Circuit Cellar OnlineJames Antonakos |
Circuit Cellar OnlineGeorge Martin |
Circuit Cellar OnlineTom Cantrell |
Circuit Cellar OnlineDavid Tweed | HTML What's Your Engineering Quotient?Test Your EQ presents some basic engineering problems for you to test your engineering quotient. |
Circuit Cellar OnlineJenn Belmonte | Resource LinksEach month Circuit Cellar's Resource Links provide helpful links and information on a variety of featured topics. |
Circuit Cellar OnlineJohn Gorsky | New Product NewsNew Product submissions may be sent to John Gorsky, 4 Park St., Vernon, CT 06066. |
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