6Rob Walker | Task ManagerFun, Games, and Inside Information |
8John Gorsky | HTML New Product News
11David Tweed | HTML Test Your EQ |
12Michael Collier, Ph.D. | A PIC-Based Portable ID Reader for iButtonsWe've seen home security applications for the Dallas iButton, but the practicality of the technology makes it a good candidate for a campus security system too. Designed for an African university, this project provides a cost-effective reader for the iButton security system. |
20Brian Millier | High-Resolution Data Acquisition Made EasyOn our workbenches, there's a good amount of analytical equipment that lacks a PC for control or data acquisition. That's not to say that this hardware is obsolete, it just needs updating. Retrofitting hardware can be a fun and cost-effective alternative to replacement.Download: millier140.zip |
28Tom Petruzzelli | A Web Link Monitoring SystemBased on a Basic Stamp II processor and a mini web server module, Tom's web link system provides a flexible monitoring system that can be configured for a variety of applications and sensors. The alarm capabilities make it useful in nearly any situation.Download: petruzelli140.zip |
34Praveen P. Deshpande Prajakta Deshpande | In-Circuit Emulator for the AT89Cx051 FamilyAfter developing a surgical laser controller, Praveen and Prajakta received a request to move the power controls from the front panel of the unit to the laser tip. They decided that an emulator would be a good tool to have to make the necessary changes, so they built one.Download: deshpande140.zip |
52Mariano Barrón Javier Martinez | Balancing D/A Conversion on One PinIf you've ever thought it would be nice to generate an analog output from an MCU without PWM outputs, you're not alone. Mariano and Javier have already done the homework and come up with the software that allows for just such a beneficial convenience. |
Embedded PC60Fred Eady | HTML Applied PCsReplacing Relays with Ladder Logic, Part 1: Getting Ready for the ClimbFred's reaching for the sky with his latest project so it's no surprise that ladder logic came into play. With a well-balanced programmable logic controller board, Fred observed the "Do not disturb" labels on the board and tried figuring out the hardware via the software. |
68Jeff Bachiochi | HTML From the BenchSpy-Size Event LoggerWhen it comes to performing a time study or logging events, the more information you can gather, the better. Jeff set out to build a small event logger to track events during the off/on cycles of his water pump.Download: jeff140.zip |
76Tom Cantrell | Silicon UpdateSoC Hop, The SequelWhen Tom took a first look at the TE505 from Triscend, he liked what he saw. Now, he's following up to let us know how things have come along and what we can expect from Triscend in the future.Download: cantrell140.zip |
94 | Advertiser's Index / April Preview |
96Steve Ciarcia | HTML, HTML Priority InterruptAutomobiles by Microsoft? |
Circuit Cellar OnlineDariusz Caban | HTML Software Implementation of the I2C ProtocolThanks to the possibility of all-software implementation of the I2C protocol, microcontrollers can communicate with I2C devices. With this article, Dariusz presents us with an example implementation of the Standard mode of the I2C protocol for the popular 8031 microcontroller.Download: c0302dccode.ZIP |
Circuit Cellar OnlineAubrey Kagan | HTML Do You Excel in Electronics?Part 3: The Bottom LineThis month, Aubrey concludes his series on Excel by looking at the Solver function, which allows models to be solved using several variables. As an added benefit, he includes a description on the use of regression, and shows us how to look at both linear and quadratic relationships and how the technique can be extended. Join him in this final segment of his series, which has provided insight to the available functions and shown us how to use them. |
Circuit Cellar OnlineJames Antonakos | HTML Ethernet TechnologyPart 1: Frames, Collisions, and 10-Mbps LANsThis month, James jump-starts us with a new series on the popular LAN technology, Ethernet. In this first part, he concentrates on the basics, examining all the different Ethernet specifications. But, the story doesn't end there. In the next two parts, he'll also take us through the Fast and Gigabit Ethernet technologies, then round out the series with a look at the operation of hubs, switches, and routers. |
Circuit Cellar OnlineGeorge Martin | HTML Lessons from the TrenchesExpanding Your Horizons, Using CAD Mechanical Software in Design ProjectsThe end of every year, brings the end to many projects for George. So, with this expected slowdown, he fills his time with smaller, more unusual projects. One such project, this year, was an industrial packaging project, which gave him the chance to use the mechanical CAD software he'd had lying around awhile. |
Circuit Cellar OnlineTom Cantrell | HTML Silicon Update OnlineThe Dust FliesWith each passing day, it seems the connection between what goes on in the classrooms of higher education and the real world gets harder to distinguish. Although Tom understands the necessity of fundamental research and development, he's lost on how some of their endeavors really benefit the average engineer. Take a walk with him through those hallowed halls, and see if you can't find something that's less like homework and more like fun. |
Circuit Cellar OnlineDavid Tweed | HTML What's Your Engineering Quotient?Test Your EQ presents some basic engineering problems for you to test your engineering quotient. |
Circuit Cellar OnlineJenn Belmonte | Resource LinksEach month Circuit Cellar's Resource Links provide helpful links and information on a variety of featured topics. |
Circuit Cellar OnlineJohn Gorsky | New Product NewsNew Product submissions may be sent to John Gorsky, 4 Park St., Vernon, CT 06066. |
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